5 Best Tips to Train Puppies Not to Bite

When your puppy treats you like his teether and pierces your skin with their very sharp teeth, then it is time to do measures to get rid of your puppy’s excessive biting. But first, you must know the cause of the problem before taking any actions. That is why it is imperative to train puppies not to bite.

Your puppy biting at almost everything, including you, is indeed inevitable. In fact, it is one of the top two challenges every puppy owner face aside from housebreaking. It is, of course, typical for a puppy to bite and chew but it becomes sometimes unbelievable on how much they bite and chew. It is so incredible that you sometimes get second thoughts if you got a little cutie puppy or a snake, ready to bite everything that comes in their way.

When your puppy treats you like his teether and pierces your skin with their very sharp teeth, then it is time to do measures to get rid of your puppy’s excessive biting. But first, you must know the cause of the problem before taking any actions. That is why it is imperative to train puppies not to bite.

What causes puppies to bite?

1. Puppies are in their teething stage.

Every offspring on the planet experiences the teething stage, even humans. Of course, puppies are not exempted on this stage. And this stage is sometimes forgotten by puppy owners. Just like a human baby, they continuously need something to bite on or act like a baby’s teether. That is why they like to chew on items such as the legs of a chair or a table, wood, pillows, almost everything.

2. Pumped up energy

Take your puppy immediately outside to the bathroom and make them tire as soon as they wake up from their deep periods of sleep or naps. It is essential for you to drain their energy while doing something productive and educative for your puppy. Doing some will strengthen your puppy-owner bonding and relationship and reduce the times it bites you and eventually stop that extreme behavior. Tire your puppy out in the most productive yet enjoyable way by taking them to the bathroom, stroll and take some walks, do a little play time and a bit of an obedience training. This could be a very long and tedious task, but you will surely reap the fruit of your hard work. It is much better to provide them an avenue where they can release their energy than releasing it to the objects in your home or on you.

3. Too Tired

Puppy owners often overlook their puppy’s energy level. It is right to make your puppy tired out. However, everything that is too much is bad also, and an overtired puppy can make them chew and bite more. Your puppy needs a lot of sleep and rest when they are tired, and not doing so can make your puppy disobey you, causing them to increase their biting and chewing behavior.

How to train your puppies not to bite

Now that you know what causes their biting and chewing frenzy, it’s a time to train puppies not to bite. Here are just five of the best tips to alleviate your puppy’s biting behavior.

1. Be gentle

Only a man with a stone hard and dead feelings cannot appreciate the cuteness of a puppy. They are so cute, lovable and huggable that we cannot resist pinching, cuddling or even wrestling with our puppy. Being rough hypes your puppy up and makes them go roughly to you, too. And being rough results to them biting you. If you want to play rough and be ungentle to them, you must know the repercussions behind it.
In case your puppy bites you during your play time, immediately give out a hurting yelp to make your puppy startled and stop biting you. If he stops or starts to lick you, give him praise and a couple of taps on their heads. Just do these steps every time he bites you. These steps will teach your puppy that gentle plays should take place and not painful plays.

2. Let your puppy know the difference between you and objects

As mentioned above, puppies are usually in their teething stages, so you should really expect several bites and chew on the things in your home and even on yourself as well. Train puppies not to bite by providing him a toy or a chew bone and give it to him every time he tries to devour an item or your hands and leg.
Puppies also tend to bite hands if they are getting stroked, patted or scratched. To alleviate this behavior, you can give him some small treats coming from your other hand. This will get them distracted, thus training him to allow anyone to touch him without getting bitten.

3. Don’t be afraid to scold your puppy

Teach him to be more disciplined and stop his biting behavior by doing some disciplinary action. Train puppies not to bite by immediately stop whatever things you are doing and walk away from him as soon as he bites you. This will tell him that your play time ends when he bites you. This order could be more effective if your puppy is on a harness or a leash, making it impossible for him to follow you. If your puppy becomes sad or calms down, then it is the time to resume your play time. You can also put him on a “box of shame” kind of thing every time he bites you.

4. Respect your puppy

Familiar with the saying “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you?” This also applies to puppies and humans. If you don’t want your puppy to bite you, then you should also not pull his ears or tail, tease or hurt him.

5. Do some handling exercises

There are some puppies that hate being handled. Handling must be worked out if your puppy tries to bite you when you try to hold him. A good start can be handing him out some treats. This could be even worked out more with the help of some puppy classes or a good puppy trainer.

Still, want more tips? You could watch video from our friend, ‘Zak George’ about ‘How to train your puppy to stop biting’. If you like his video, don’t forget to subscribe his channel.

Biting among puppies can be a very difficult thing to handle. You can train puppies not to bite, but this can take a long time. If you don’t want this stage to happen to you, then it could be best if you instead adopt a dog who is already six months or older. But if you want a puppy, then you should be ready for the challenges you will be facing for the next couple of months. Good luck with your puppy experience!

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