Do you have a great tips and ideas for a blog post that will appeal to our audience?
CleverPuppyTraining is now accepting creative contribution from creative writters and dog lovers. Use below form to submit our guest post.

Guest posts are subject to approval based on our guidelines. Guest posts cannot contain advertising or specific product endorsements.

Have a pet product or service relevant to our audience? Please contact us for Promotional Post submission.

Guest Post Guidelines

Please review carefully our guidelines before you submitting your guest post. Ignore these guidelines, it means your submission will be ignored.

  1. The blog topic must be relevant to CleverPuppyTraining’s audience and is subject to approval.
  2. Written content must be 1,000 to 2,000 words in length.
  3. If you use images or photos, then they must be accompanied by proof of ownership or usage rights.
  4. Guest posts have a maximum of 2 outgoing reference links.
  5. Reference links must be relevant to the content in the post.
  6. Content must be unique, original, and free of grammatical errors.
  7. Quotes must include references to the original author(s).
  8. Original authors may include a link to and from their guest post to their author site or blog.
  9. Guest authors must provide full content rights to CleverPuppyTraining.
  10. Our staff reserve the right to modify the content for length and/or general grammatical errors, if required.
  11. Posts cannot contain advertising, endorsements, slander, plagiarism, specific product, or derogatory statements.

Preferred Topics and Ideas

Generally, you should have some qualifications for the topic you want to write about which means: Behaviorist for in-depth issues, vets only for medical advice, a groomer for grooming questions, etc.).
However, all well-researched and relevant articles will be reviewed.

Please send your article post on the below form, and I will do my best to get back to you within 2-3 days. I am very excited to hear about your content and ideas.

Guest Post Form
