Best Topical Flea and Tick For Dogs – A Complete 2019 Guide for Pet Owners

Best Topical Flea and Tick For Dogs

Taking care of a pet is never easy and no one ever said it would be. From taking care of their meal and potty times to bathing them regularly. However, nothing encompasses the difficulty of making sure they stay clean. Dogs are not strangers to flea and tick infestations. So, today you will get to know all about the best topical flea and tick for dogs and different flea medicine for dogs and how to utilize them.

What is Topical Fleas & Ticks Treatment For Dogs?

Dogs are known to be very active animals that love to frolic around in possibly every nook and cranny they can find. This becomes an issue when your dog spends a lot of time outdoors where bugs and insects are abundant.

Because of their nosy nature, dogs can roll around possibly any and everywhere, thus attracting the bugs’ attention to themselves. Fleas and ticks absolutely love setting up home in the soft furry coats of dogs. It is warm, comfy and perfectly annoying for humans, so why not?

So when faced with such an issue, you must look for the best flea medicine for dogs or treatment right away. Since fleas and ticks can be quite persistent, and they stick around for a long time it is advised that you opt for topical flea treatment for dogs.

Topical flea treatment for dogs is what you could call “spot-on treatments” and they are applied every month on your dog by a certified vet. The medication is applied between your dog’s shoulder blades so as your dog can’t possibly lick the medicine off (a common habit of these animals). The medication is meant to treat and repel the nasty pests from your dog. You could see below video about how to choose the best fleas topical product and how safely use it for your dogs.

You will find out more about the best topical flea and tick for dogs later in this post.

The Most Active Chemicals in Topical Flea Medications For Dogs

There are many active chemicals that make up the best topical flea and tick for dogs. It is the work of these chemicals that drives away the pests from your dog for a good month. It is worth mentioning that these chemicals are not meant to harm your dog in any way. They only attack the fleas and ticks and do not harm your dog.

  1. Pyrethroids

This kind of chemical is actually lesser of a chemical and more of a natural compound. It is extracted from a certain type of flower and much more approved than other active topical flea treatment for dogs ingredients. The reason being that it is more natural and safer than other chemicals. However, as always, there are 2 types of Pyrethroids, as well. Some are found naturally, and others made synthetically. The synthetic ones tend to last longer, and they are more commonly used. This chemical is also not safe for cats, as it can be quite toxic for felines, and small dogs because it is quite potent. Make sure you do not have any cats in your home if you plan to apply this best flea medicine for dogs containing this chemical on your dog.

  1. Imidacloprid

A safe chemical for both household pets, dogs and cats, this chemical kills fleas by interfering with the nervous system. Whether your animal is infested with fleas in the adult size of the larvae stage, this chemical can handle both situations and will instantly eliminate the threat of these pests. It is one of the best flea medicine for dogs.

  1. Fipronil

Works by paralyzing the different insects that nestle in your dog’s fur and skin, Fipronil’s way of transferring all over the body of the animal is through their body oils. It takes about a month for the effects of this chemical to wear off completely, but as it runs its course it takes out all the fleas and ticks in your pet.

(All these chemicals are EPA approved)

What Is The Benefit Of Topical Fleas Medicine Compare With Oral And Collar?

When compared with oral medications, the best topical flea and tick for dogs are preferred more because you don’t have to put up any struggle to get your dog to eat his/her medicine. These best flea medicine for dogs are applied between the dog’s shoulder blades and since the fleas and ticks like to nestle and breed around the face, neck, and ears.

And when you compare the best topical flea and tick for dogs with flea collars, you can immediately rule out which is more permanent and convenient. With flea collars, you have to keep the collar on at all times, and that can sometimes irritate the dog as the constant friction will cause their skin to itch. Moreover, if you want to give them a bath, you have got to remove it.

Some of the best topical flea and tick for dogs are mostly waterproof, so your dog doesn’t need any collar on his/her neck and certainly doesn’t need to be swallowing any nasty medicines whole.

Best Fleas & Tick Topical Medicines for Dogs

After you make the decision to choose topical flea medicine for dogs to eliminate the threat of fleas and ticks, you must get to know the top best topical flea and tick for dogs. There are undoubtedly a ton of them in the markets and at your vet which can cause some confusion as to which you should choose. So here are some of the best kinds to give you a kind of overview. However, it is always advised that you check with your veterinarian and he/she will have the best advice for you.

K9 Advantix II

Whether your dog suffers from the presence of fleas, mosquitos, biting flies, lice or ticks, this flea medicine for dogs is a perfect fit to fight off all these insects. After application with 12 hours, you will notice a difference. Vets advise against giving it to dogs that are younger than seven weeks. Flea medicine for dogs is not waterproof and lasts up to 30 days. The main ingredients in this tick medicine for dogs are Imidacloprid, Permethrin, and Pyriproxyfen.


Capstar Fast-Acting Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

Top favorite flea medicine for dogs, Capstar is much liked because of its practicality. There are 6 tablets in each box and you have to give your pet one at a time. Within 30 minutes of intaking the tablet, the fleas and ticks will fall right off the dog’s fur. It is also practical because it is an ultra-safe and tested medicine that you don’t even need a vet’s prescription to use it on your dog. And you can also use it alongside other medications.

The usage frequency is once every day and you can give it to your dog whenever the infestations start all over again. Within 4 hours of intaking the pill, your dog will be flea-free. The medicine is safe for dogs weighing 25 to 125 pounds.


Advantage II

This best flea medicine for dogs helps stop flea infestations whenever they spring up. It is also used if your dog is already hugely infested, and you want to remove all larvae and grown-up insects. It also works best against lice but unfortunately does not exactly kill ticks. So it is not regarded as a tick medicine for dogs.

Your vet should apply this flea medicine for dogs on your dog every month as each application can last up to 30 days if you take good care of your pet and heed the medication tips. Tips like do not let your dog enter in any body of water or get wet right after receiving the medication are important to listen to. The medicine is waterproof, but only after it has settled on the animal for a whole hour. At that time, you have to leave the dog rest in a dry place.

It is only applicable to dogs of 7 weeks and above, any younger could cause more harm than benefit. The main ingredient in this flea medicine for dogs is Pyriproxyfen.


Frontline Plus

This is one of the best topical flea and tick for dogs and is perfect for fighting ticks, fleas and chewing lice no matter how grown-up or young the insects are. After applying for the medicine with 12 hours, its effects will start taking place. It is very important to bear in mind that the more care you take with the medication, the longer it will last. Completely waterproof, this best flea medicine for dogs needs to set into the skin and fur of the dog for some time before its waterproof qualities can be activated.

It is advised to be applied to dogs aged higher than 8 weeks ONLY. Its effects last up to a month after which you should go and renew the medicine. Active ingredients in this flea medication for dogs include, and are not restricted to, Fipronil and S-methoprene.


PETARMOR Plus for Dogs Flea and Tick Prevention for Large Dogs

This topical dog treatment lasts up to 30 days and protects your dog from all sorts of ticks and eliminates fleas of all ages. It is completely waterproof and starts working in the space of 24 hours. The main acting ingredient in this topical flea treatment for dogs is Fipronil and also fights lice.


Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

No! It is advised to keep pets away from one another as they can lick the medicine of one another.

If your dog gets a seizure, or shows depressive behavior, starts drooling, vomiting, not eating well, or getting diarrhea, then you should consult a vet ASAP.

It depends. There are some best topical flea and tick for dogs that are waterproof and others that aren’t. Make sure which you are using it. Click here for some high-quality flea shampoos.

Topical flea treatment for dogs is applied between the dog’s shoulder blades, but you should learn how it’s done by a certified vet first.

Is It Possible My Dog Gets An Allergic Reaction When Using Topical Flea Treatment For Dogs?

Yes! It is possible for some dogs to be allergic to certain chemicals and ingredients that are in some of the best topical flea and tick for dogs. If you notice any signs of depression, vomiting, diarrhea, bad appetite, drooling, …etc then immediately bathe your dog with soap and water. This will wash away the medicine, but you still have to phone your vet right away.

What Are Other Alternative Fleas And Tick Treatment?

Apart from topical flea medicine for dogs, there are a variety of other treatments. One of which is oral medication, flea collars, and sprays. All of these must be administered initially by a certified vet. Until you get the hang of it, then you can provide your pet with the oral medicine or spray them regularly.

Oral Medicine

Oral flea medication for dogs comes in the form of chewable pills. The pills have varying periods of life. Some work for a couple of days and others can go as long as a month. There is a multitude of chemicals and ingredients that play a major role in warding off pests from your dogs. After the flea medicine for dogs is swallowed and enters the system of your pet, every adult flea that bites the dog is then poisoned with the medicine and ends up dying.

Fleas & Tick Collar

It seems like a wholly new concept to many, as to how a collar can stop the spreading and infestation of ticks and fleas in their dogs. To know how these collars work, you must first be introduced to the two types of collars there are.

There is a Repelling type of collar which emits a certain kind of gas that is non-toxic to humans but extremely repelling to the pests. As long as you keep it on the pet, the pests will not come near your dog.

However, for other dog owners who want to KILL the infestations in their dogs, they should be making use of the Treating collar. Such collars contain a kind of medicine that penetrates through the dog’s skin and into its fat layer. Consequently, the medicine is spread through the dog’s body oils and kills all the insects that come in contact with it. Collars usually last up to 8 months.

Spray for Fleas

Exactly like a topical medication, flea sprays are a little bit different and can pose some issues. For starters, they are not only applied between the shoulder blades or in some specific area. No, they are actually sprayed all over the dog’s body and everywhere where he/she is infected. This can sometimes be an issue as the dog can lick way the medicine when grooming him/herself.

Read about the best fleas and ticks spray for dogs here.


Best topical flea and tick for dogs are said to be quite practical, but it majorly depends on the dog owner and the dog itself. If the canine has some allergies from skin medications then he/she should go for oral medication, which is better. However, the options for flea medication for dogs and tick medicine for dogs are not restricting and can be tweaked according to personal interests, liking, and requirements.

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