Prevent Urinary tract Infection using Cranberry relief by NaturVet – A review

Prevent Urinary tract Infection using Cranberry relief by NaturVet

It’s always a difficult situation when your pet is suffering from health issues you don’t seem to have any knowledge about or control over. The urinary tract health is one of the most overlooked aspects of pet health, and you need the know-how to ensure your dog doesn’t suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs).

In this article, we will deep dive into how you can save your pet from the terrible discomforts of UTI and help boost their immune system using Cranberry extract and human-grade natural herbs. You will learn how to use NaturVet Cranberry relief and the benefits of doing so.

What are the active Ingredients in NaturVet Cranberry Relief?

NaturVet Cranberry Relief is hands down one of the most effective and user-backed ways to help your dog knock out that UTI. NaturVet Cranberry relief reviews done by vets prove its performance well. Promoting overall bladder health and immunity, this over the counter remedy features Cranberry Extract, Echinacea Purpurea, Vitamin C, and Oregon Grape Root as the primary ingredients.

The secondary ingredients, however, vary when it comes to different product variants. The chews contain Astragalus Root, Marshmallow root, Brewer’s Dried Yeast, Dried Potato Product, Canola Oil, Flaxseed, Lecithin, Glycerin, Maltodextrin, Natural Flavoring, Mixed Tocopherols, Rosemary Extract, Tapioca Starch, Sorbic Acid, Vegetable Oil, and Water.

The powder variant contains Natural Flavoring, Silica Aerogel, and Non-Fat Dry Milk. Manufactured in the USA, NaturVet Cranberry Relief is NASC and cGMP Compliant.

What is the benefit of NaturVet Cranberry Relief Plus Echinacea?

Let’s break down the primary ingredients in NaturVet Cranberry Relief along with their fundamental functions:


The main benefit of Cranberries is to help minimize bacterial colonization to help cure and prevent UTIs. Cranberries also promote proper digestion and bladder health.


Studies have shown Echinacea to help pets with cancer boost their immune system and pets with chronic upper respiratory disorders to get better. This herb stimulates the overall immunity of your dog, which would help a lot in cases like UTI.

Oregon grape root

This plant helps prevent the unnecessary and aggressive cell overgrowth in pets—a condition that can lead to cancers and tumors down the line. It is also a helpful ingredient to promote stomach health and help the body fight infections.

Vitamin C

The benefits of Vitamin C for your pet can not be understated. It acts as a natural antioxidant, promotes good collagen health, and even slows down (and, in some cases, helps prevent) degenerative joint diseases, hip dysplasia, and various spinal disorders.

How do you use NaturVet Cranberry relief?

Now that we know what this remedy is let’s take a look at how to use NaturVet Cranberry relief. The product comes in two variants—chews and powder.

Cranberry pills for dogs UTI work wonders. But you need to know the dosage well. The NaturVet Cranberry relief soft chews are delicious for your dog—unlike most other tablets and chew out there— which makes half the process easier. Use the following directions to feed them to your dog (while maintaining two doses a day for a period of one to three weeks):

  • If your dog weighs 0-15 lbs, use one soft chew per dose.
  • If your dog weighs 16-50 lbs, use 1-2 soft chews per dose.
  • If your dog weighs more than 51 lbs, use over two soft chews per dose.

If you purchased a powder, you could use any scoop at home to give your dog a dose of NaturVet Cranberry relief twice a day for a period of one to three weeks. Use the following directions (please note that one scoop mentioned below equals 1/5 teaspoon):

  • If your dog weighs 0-15 lbs, use one scoop per dose.
  • If your dog weighs 16-50 lbs, use 1-1/2 scoops per dose.
  • If your dog weighs more than 51 lbs, use over two scoops per dose.

After three weeks of dosage, please consult a vet to decide the new dosage.

dog's urine colors with UTI

Safety Precaution When Using NaturVet Cranberry?

While Nutri-vet bladder control side effects are negligible, there are certain scenarios where you should consider not giving NaturVet Cranberry relief to your pets. The use of this remedy on pregnant dogs and newborn pups is not advisable. There are chances of potential interactions of the ingredients in NaturVet Cranberry with CYP1A2 & CYP3A drugs if you are administrating the product and see no improvement in the condition of your pet than stop and consult a vet immediately.

The Alternative Solution

While NaturVet Cranberry relief does the job in the best way, it’s not the only Cranberry supplement for your dogs out there. If your dog has a UTI, jumping to antibiotics before trying something else first isn’t a good idea. If you don’t have access to NaturVet Cranberry relief, here are some alternatives that can work. Now, let’s look at some all-natural ingredients that can prove useful for your pet.

Juniper berry

This herb increases the filtration rate of kidneys, resulting in the body increasing urine production and flushing out impurities. It is a simple and effective remedy if your dog has UTI.

Parsley leaf

Parsley leaf is a diuretic, which means that it helps the body eliminate waste. Rich in nutrition, Parsley leaf also has antiseptic properties that aid in curing UTI.

Uva Ursi leaf

Uva Ursi leaf is a quite potent natural astringent. It helps the body get rid of numerous pathogens that cause UTIs and several other infections. It is also anti-inflammatory and aids in stopping bleeding.

Marshmallow root

This root works wonders for UTI because of its ability to boost the body’s immune response. In addition to that, it is anti-bacterial.


Blueberry is also known to prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract lining and prevent recurring infections.

In addition to the above remedies, you will find that a combination of Vitamin B supplements, antioxidants, raw fruit, yogurt, and vegetables also help your pet fight UTIs and boost overall digestive health.

Taking care of your pet’s health is as important as taking care of your health. That’s why NaturVet bladder support plus Cranberry makes things as convenient as possible, so you won’t have to waste time looking for the ingredients as mentioned earlier and experiment on your own. We hope this article gave you actionable insights into how you can ensure your dog doesn’t suffer the discomfort of UTIs. So, say no to infections and yes to Cranberry pills for dogs UTI!

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