Incredible Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs


What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) or simply known as cider vinegar is made from the fermentation of apple juice. This vinegar is basically used in salad dressings, marinades, chutneys, pickles, and food preservatives.

This type of vinegar is famous for weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering the levels of blood sugar, improving the symptoms of diabetes, and curing skin infections. In the health community, the apple cider vinegar is considered to be very important. According to history, there are immense medical benefits of apple cider vinegar. Not only does it possesses potent biological effects, but it also can kill many types of harmful bacteria. The apple cider vinegar is known to be a wonder product for almost everything. There are also incredible benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs.

Yeast and bacteria are used to brew apple cider vinegar. These two turn sugars of apple juice into alcohol, which is then converted into acetic acid. The acetic acid or vinegar then can be used in two forms.

  • It can be filtered as well as pasteurized, commonly found in grocery stores
  • It can be left raw or we can say unfiltered and unpasteurized.

The one which is left raw is known to contain the mother of vinegar which is a cobweb-like substance. This substance is made from yeast and bacteria through the fermentation process. The substance also contains small amounts of cellulose as well as proteins. This webcob is the reason behind the cloudy appearance of vinegar. And it is said that the medicinal properties and the supplemental properties of apple cider vinegar are due to the presence of this.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Dogs

If you are thinking that this legendary folk medicine is only for humans, then you are certainly wrong. Interestingly you can use apple cider vinegar on your pets too. Feed this vinegar to your dogs and help in curing hot spots, itchy skin, bladder infections, and much much more. All you have to care about giving this to your dogs is that you need to specify a dose and never ever overdose your pet. Just keep track of all the doses to your pet. A large amount of antioxidant present in apple cider vinegar, make it a good companion for your dog’s care management.

Scientific Evidence for the Use of Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

It should be kept in mind that there is a lack of scientific evidence for the use of apple cider vinegar for dogs. Its medicinal benefits have not been proven by science. Most of its benefits however are described by the pet owners. We have to get information from pet parents for using ACV for our pets.

Although, scientific evidence suggests that there are no harmful effects of apple cider vinegar on dogs, but your dog may experience a little stomach upset by drinking large amounts of ACV.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for my Dog?

Although it contains only a trace amount of vitamins and minerals, except potassium, and not even any important nutrients, still it is known to possess a wide variety of health benefits for your dog. Since its basic ingredients are only apple and water, it is safe for use on any of your pets. You can even let your dog eat the apple cider vinegar or use it externally.

This vinegar is slightly more acidic as compared to the commonly used synthetic vinegar. Add a single tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in your dog’s bowl of water, and if it drinks the water, then you are good to go.

Why Use Apple Cider Vinegar for My Dog

Apple cider vinegar is most close to white vinegar based on constituents. According to the Food and Drug Authority (FDA), apple cider vinegar has no special nutrients to possess such health benefits. FDA is right in this case because ACV has just trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. The only element which is present in a good amount in ACV is potassium. In a tablespoon of AC, there are more than 11 grams of potassium. Presence of such large quantities of potassium might be the reason for the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs.

Another thing which can be considered as the reason behind the medicinal properties of ACV is its pH. The lower acidic pH of ACV helps in lowering the pH of the digestive tract of dogs, causing improvement in digestion.

8 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

Apple cider vinegar can help your dog with

  • tchy, flaking skin and dull coats
  • Fighting against yeast on the paws
  • Relief from bladder stones
  • Repelling fleas
  • Preventing the infections of urinary tract
  • Lessening the chance of infection in the ear
  • Relief from sore muscles in aged or athletic dogs
  • Improving in the digestion of food

1. Itchy, Flaking Skin and Dull Coats

If your dog has an itchy or flaking skin or has a rash on the skin, then apple cider vinegar can be a very potent remedy. Make a solution of ACV in water with 1:1 concentration and spray on the itchy spots on the skin. Remember if there are any wounds, do not spray ACV there, because it will sting. So help your dog come out of itching and flaking skin with apple cider vinegar.

2. Fighting against yeast on the paws

Like it is used for fighting itchiness and rash, the same way is used to treat yeast infections and poison ivy. If it is impossible for you to apply topically due to the presence of wounds on the skin, then use half a teaspoon of ACV in food or water of the dog. As yeast cannot live in an acidic environment, it is recommended to feed the dose twice daily.

3. Relief from Bladder Stones

Apple cider vinegar also aids in treating bladder stones in dogs. A small concentration of it dissolves the stones, which then come out with pee. So if you are tired of taking your dog to vet every other week due to bladder stones, try this remedy, and you will see wonders happen.

4. Repelling fleas

Not only fleas, but the apple cider vinegar also works to repel ticks and other insects from dogs. Even if you have the healthiest and the cleanest dog in the whole community, it may face this problem of ticks and fleas. Apple cider vinegar is a great thing, which can be a potent remedy for fleas as well as ticks. If you spray your dog with a 1:1 solution of water and apple cider vinegar before he goes out, your dog will not suffer from the problem. If it is not possible to spray, add one or two tablespoons of ACV in dog’s food or water especially during ticks and fleas season. Like it prevents yeast, it also prevents insects due to its acidic nature.

So now you do not have to visit pet stores to find shampoos and insect repellents for your dogs. Apple cider vinegar is your go-to the chemical for all these problems. You could read our article “Best Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Fleas on Puppies” for How to make DIY Flea spray using Apple Cider Vinegar.

5. Preventing the Infections of Urinary Tract

Apple Cider Vinegar has natural antibacterial properties. Due to these properties, it is essential in treating any type of urinary tract infections. From swollen tracts to bacterial infections, apple cider vinegar is a remedy for everything. But make sure to ask your vet before using ACV. If there is a large urinary tract infection, then ACV would be of no use, and you should consult a doctor urgently in that case.

6. Lessening the Chance of Infection in Ear

If we tell you that the best ear cleaner for your pet dogs is apple cider vinegar, then will you believe us? It is true anyhow. Just apply a 50/50 concentration of ACV and water mixture on a cotton ball and wipe the ears of your dog with it. Not only does it treats ear infections, but also if your dog has any chances of ear infection, it reduces it. Check your dog’s ears daily for wax and gunk, and if you find any abnormality, start cleaning ears with ACV.

Moreover, if your dog’s ear infection is way more than a little redness, then consult your vet for proper treatment. The topical application of ACV is very effective in case of ear cleaning.

7. Relief from Sore Muscles in Aged and Athletic Dogs

Dogs suffer from arthritis as well as sore muscles due to increased activity as well as increasing age. A little dose of apple cider vinegar in daily food or water relaxes muscles and eases pain and soreness. So after daily activity, put a tablespoon of ACV in your dog’s bowl.

8. Improving in Digestion of Food

Since apple cider vinegar has a pH as low as 3 to 5, it is highly effective in digestion. The digestive tract requires low pH for enhancing the digestion of food, so if your dog is having any stomach related problems or any problems related to the digestive tract, give him a dose of apple cider vinegar with food or water. This dose will lower the pH of the stomach and will help in proper digestion of the food. It also helps with reducing burps and gas in dogs due to its beneficial effects on digestion.

The dose of Apple Cider Vinegar for My Dog

Either apple cider vinegar is your foe or a friend, the decision is on you. The dose of apple cider vinegar makes it medicinal or toxic. Your animal needs supervision while you give the dose of ACV to it. Responses of different dogs towards this chemical are different.

The dose of apple cider vinegar differs for different dogs. Depending on the weight of your dog, you should add one teaspoon to one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in food or water bowl for a 50-pound dog. If any effects of dose are not visible in the first 30 days of treatment, then there are chances that it is not working for your dog. If you have a pet dog and add ACV in the water bowl of the dog, then start with small proportions like a teaspoon in a large bowl of water. Keep on observing, whether your dog is still drinking the water with changing the taste or not. Increase the amount of dose gradually.

Know that if you are adding ACV in one bowl of water, keep a plain water bowl with it too. Your dog will become used to the taste of ACV in water with time, and then it would be easier for him to have it.

You can also mix ACV in plain yogurt to feed your dog. Be cautious and do not feed your dog too much apple cider vinegar. He may feel uneasy and may vomit. So hold your horses while you feed your dog this miracle item. Do not let it become a problem for you and your beloved pet.

My Dog perspective for Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has soothing enzymes which provide comfort to your dog while bathing, only if his skin is not wounded. Consider not using ACV for your dog if he has irritating hot spots and flea bites which are still open. Because ACV will cause a stinging sensation on the skin. Make sure you do not hurt your dog, while spraying him with apple cider vinegar.

How to give Apple Cider Vinegar to my Dog?

There are different ways to give apple cider vinegar to your dog. Some of these ways are mentioned below

  • Make a mixture of 1:1 apple cider vinegar and water and put it in a spray bottle. Now spritz this spray on to your dog.
  • Add a tablespoon or more in food or water bowl of your dog and make him eat it.
  • Add apple cider vinegar in yogurt and make your dog eat yogurt.
  • Simply add apple cider vinegar in the water to bathe your dogs and pubs.

Safety Precaution for the Use of Apple Cider Vinegar

There are many benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar on dogs, but everything that has pros, comes with cons too. There are many scenarios in which apple cider vinegar does not give required effects or sometimes may harm your pet

  • If the internal body of your pet is already acidic, too much acidic pH in the body might damage and cause wounds in the interior of the digestive tract.
  • If your dog is allergic to vinegar, then apple cider vinegar is not made for him, he will definitely vomit or have adverse reactions to the chemical.
  • While it is not toxic, excess of everything is bad, so keep ACV consumption of your dog in limits.
  • It may irritate the skin and eyes of your pet.

Take home message is, feed your dog with apple cider vinegar because it will have beneficial effects on the dog. Remember to never give the chemical undiluted because it might have toxic effects. So keep your dog happy and remain carefree by using apple cider vinegar properly. Moreover, if your dog has an existing health condition or is on regular medication then contact your vet before giving him apple cider vinegar.

The vet can provide a precise dose of ACV dependent on the weight of your pet. Always dilute the chemical in water before you give it to your pet. It is a stringy and strong chemical. Do not look for the best product for your dog because a miracle product is sitting in your refrigerator. Canine ailments are not a problem anymore.

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